Tie designs: which are the most suitable for a corporate gift?
When we speak of tie designs, we are referring to an extremely composite world, where the imagination can literally run wild, giving life to the most diverse and imaginative shapes and colours.
Over time, in fact, the master manufacturers of that distinctive and stylish element that is the tie have developed designs for ties that have mirrored different eras and societies, with their own tastes and propensities, thus creating designs that, in some cases, have written the history of this accessory or that, in other cases, have had great success but limited in time, leading the public to prefer new forms in the time to come.
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Yet, not all these patterned ties are perfect for a corporate gift that is both beautiful and, at the same time, effective: when dealing with this type of product, in fact, it is important to take into account not only the fashion of the moment, thus pandering to the taste of most, but also the value and the message that with that tie and those designs you want to pass on to customers, partners, stakeholders and many others of your company.
Let us not forget, in fact, that the corporate tie is a true marketing vehicle, capable of reinforcing concepts such as brand awareness and brand identity that compete to give a certain vision of the company on the international market.

But, having reached this point, the question arises: what types of patterned ties exist today? And, above all, which of them are the most suitable to be the object of a corporate gift that can be both pleasing and a reflection of the values of the company that decides to make it a cadeau? In this article we try to answer all these questions. Let’s get started!
Read also: 3 reasons to prefer sartorial ties as corporate gifts
Ties designs: the paisley tie
This is the most classic (and one of the most beautiful) patterned tie motifs: also known as cashmere or arabesque, it is characterised by a slightly curled drop motif that has acquired over time a meaning of class and sophistication. Although this pattern has Indian and Iranian origins (areas where this type of arabesque is found not only in fashion but also in wall decorations and design), it takes its name from the area in Scotland where it originated.

Ties with patterns: geometric designs
Sober ties with geometric designs such as dots, points, circles or rhombuses and rectangles are again a great classic and an interesting alternative to striped ties. In the past, such designs were large and covered most of the surface of the tie, while today they are becoming smaller and more refined.
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Ties designs: logos
Finally, the logos of the company itself cannot be missing from corporate tie designs. Thanks to the logo, in fact, the tie’s ability to become not only a welcome corporate gift but also a powerful vehicle for brand awareness and identity is very strong: it is no longer just a ‘simple’ tie but an accessory that tells the story of a company and carries with it the values of quality, elegance, but also care for the person, be it a customer or a partner.
If you too are looking for a patterned tie that can be not only beautiful but also a perfect corporate gift, we at Seterie Mosconi have just the thing for you: with our team of experts you can choose and customise the model that is right for you, relying on our 100% Made in Italy quality.